Friday, August 21, 2009

just a day~

i am back~
today tittle is:just a day~
let see the story~
if who got add my msn then who noe wat i write at there~
"hope my grandma get well"
but the next day i write this words~
my grandma already passed away~
in saturday midnight~
about 3 something am~
passed away in hospital~
my uncle arrived there my grandma already passed away~
nobody accompany her away from this world~
in tat morning we arrive the"bing yi guan"~
my aunt say we all cannot cry~
bcz she so old already~
is a good thing~coz she so hardship in tat time ~
this year 80 years old already~
when i last time saw my grandma is saturday afternoon she is so weak~
n she is in coma n doctor say she is in critical condition~
when i saw my grandma i feel so down + i am going to cry ~
but i din cry maybe i duwan let she noe n my parent noe~
so i pray for her + i call my frenz to pray for her~
just a few close frenz i message ~
in midnight she passed away~
is a good matter~
bcz she are so difficult to breath n so hardship
if she will get well or recover tat is a good matter~
but who also duwan to choose die this road~
if she can recover i am happy~
but she is in coma n hardship better she leave this world,leave us~
i think now u are in a peace place~
but i am s0000000000 miss u~
u are the most love me in this world~
in the last she get nth~
she just get nobody accompany her to leave this world~
she cannot see us in the last second she breath~
she promise us she will get well n she wan to drink my cousin married tea~
she also got tell us she wan to back my home~
but she lie us~
she left us~
"po "u are the best "po" in this world~
u will in my heard forever n forever~
"po"i love u~

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