Friday, October 16, 2009

lavender bread~

today went to pavilion ~
wif loong~
with make up~
we go by BUS ~
damn slow~
around 1 hour we arrive there~==
traffic jam~
dunno why so jam~==
we go sw first coz we want to go daiso buy something~
then walk around sw n bb plaza coz i finding some nice cap~
but no~= (
so went to ts~
lagi teruk~
not my tea at all~
so walk back pavilion take our lunch at food republic~
western cuisine~=)
my favorite~
after take our lunch we go tangs buy the umbrella~
but no discount~
so loong buy the SNJ wan~
my mom call me buy bread for her"lavender"~
so we go lavender buy bread~
so i take many type of bread~
when i paid the bread~
rm17++ i get shock~
first time buy bread buy until so ex~
then we walk around pavilion~
around 4 we go back already~
coz my leg wan patah already~
damn pain~

end up wif this photo~
without make up~ take from just now only~

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