Saturday, August 15, 2009

redbox pavilion again~

YESTERDAY go sing k wif frenz ~
not ponteng la~
coz teacher always din come~==
after sing k we go take photo at pavilion redbox~
we are CRAZY~
miss ng n miss ma come in male toilet n take photo~==
after tat 2 crazy woman back to female toilet~
then tat 2 crazy woman call me go in take photo wif them~==
lucky din have ppl so i crazy wif them go in n take photo~
then go ts n change ying en de cloth bcz her mom buy a pant for her but she dont like so go there n change~
but the shopkeeper say cannot change other thing just can change the pant of the size~==
n the service is terrible p00r~
after tat just walk back pavilion again~==
damn far~
just end at here~
lazy write ar ~


sha po ying en~

me n miss ng~

kuso 2~


act model again??

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