Tuesday, August 25, 2009


damn hate stomachache~
today din hang out just acc my mom go sell all the old newspaper ~
then i saw the boss of the shop~
u see at the photo~

u see tat person like a beggar but he are boss of the recycle shop~
5 series bmw he drive~
really cannot trust he are a boss not a worker or beggar~
he stay near my house only~
his house damn nice~
but he wear like tat also nobody will trust ~
he is a boss~
hey come back here~
today my stomachache after my lunch until now~
after go sell all the old newspaper my mom fetch me go tuition~
arrive tuition centre my stomachache~
damn hate tat feeling~
arrive there only 4:20~==
my class is start at 5pm~
nvm wait at there n chit chat wif the clerk~
until 5pm then go in my class~
still pain ~
no m00d to tuition~
bcz still stomachache~
when the teacher call us do the objective question i am in pain mo0d~
no mood to do bcz really pain~
my mind is empty when he call us n do~
he call us to do 5 question~
i just done 3 question~
2 also wrong just 1 only correct~
in pain m00d~
see at my phone~
yeah 6pm already~
ready fly back n do shit~
n0w still in pain mo0d~
h0pe tonight dont pain againnn~
get lost~
stupid pain?!~

ya without make up~

fugly rite~

whatever natural is beauty ~


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