Sunday, October 11, 2009

10.10.09 cousin sis wedding = )

last Saturday is my cousin sis wedding~
so i got attend her wedding~
in friday night got buffet at her house~
n Saturday night in restaurant~
lets the pics tell u all~
coz i am lazy write~

see my uncle laugh until mouth open so big~

cousin bro gf~

infront our table is V.I.P~



my ang pow~=)

yam cha de place~

ms.chin kuan mei is my cousin sis~=)

summer palace~

whole family of my cousin sis n her husband family~


my cousin sis~

eating tang yuan~

my auntie ...

f00d ~

tea pot~

nice number rite?

little pig~


my mom give my cousin de gold bracelet~

just end up wif this photo~
wish my cousin sis got a sweet wedding ~
n a super gud husband~
n hor love each other 4 ever~is most important~


Ryo said...

oh... the wedding's so wonderful.

➷ĴøêŸ ☜♥☞ 蒙猪۰蒙猪 said...

borrow many thing but didnt use at all= =lll

chOOng k_小旗 said...

got la~only the clip eyelashes wan lor~
coz not dare to use the hair thingyyy~muahaha~