Friday, October 30, 2009

3xam ~~~~~~~

exam is start from today~
today exam moral~
very difficult for me~
coz got 2 question i din answer coz i dunno wat i wan to write~
coz very difficult~
others wan i think is ok ~
but dunno rite or not~
just "tiang" only~
if lucky sure passed~
see my luck~
next week start exam the main subject~
i am not scare at all still watch tvb show~==
dunno why~
sure many failed this time~
coz i still dunno how to do the stupid account ~
damn confuse+blur~
maybe going to do revision wif frenz~
my add maths i think i will give up~
coz blur+damnnnnnnnn confuse ~
sei fo~
eko,bm,bi,maths n science i think can catch up only~
others subject in blur-ing+confusing~
add maths,account,sejarah scare i will failed~
coz sejarah ,add maths n moral 2 times i already failed~=[
sad case for me~
now still not scare for exam~
still planning buy a cam~==
wat la me~
concentrate in exam la~
after exam where u wan to go also can la~
but dunno why not scare at all~
where is my scare mood~
come back ~
i wan my scare mood~
hope i will passed all subject~
good luck for all student are exam n good luck for myself also~=]

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