Friday, November 6, 2009



monday ~

bm paper 1 n 2 for today~

tatabahasa tat part is killing me~

coz difficult to find the wrong words~

essay ?errr...i think ok nia coz not enough words~

a little bit smile~

english paper 1 n 2 ~
its ok for me~
coz i noe how to write n i write until 400++~==
i think is my first time~
wednesday ~
maths paper 1 n 2~
i am not like maths at all~
but i think i can pass it this time~=]

no eye see!!!~
add maths paper 1 n 2~
i hateeeeeeeee add mathssssssssss much much~
coz i dunno to at all~
just few question i noe how to do only~
lucky i saw somebody answer then just copy it~
just few question only~=[
i think i will fail my add maths~
congratulation to me~==

account paper 1 n 2~
i think i will pass ~
coz i noe how to 3 question of paper ~
but i think got a little bit wrong~
another 2 question just do a little bit coz dunno how to do the next step~
paper 1 is ok~
all ppl is busy do the when paper 2~
but paper 1 all ppl are talking~when exam~
coz relax already~
so we all talk at class when exam-ing~
hope all subject i also can pass la~teeheee
now can relax already~yuhoo
coz this week damn stresssssss~
not enough sleep also~
but today i sleep at afternoon almost 3 hour~
tmr going to pavilion~=]
coz main subject finish exam already~
next week just eko,sj,pj,sivik n science~
so go n relax wif xiao hei,ting n karen~

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