Tuesday, November 24, 2009

a little post here~

my previous post i say i will take my hp give my frenz n do it again right??
so i take it to mr.sow house n he do it for me~=]
thx mr.sow ~
very nice i love it~=]
this holiday damn boring in home who wanna date me~
come on~
date me date me~
i am damnnnnnnn boringgggggg~@.@
today my house start a little renovation~
damn noisy~cannot watch "gong sam gai" in a silent atmosphere~==
n also where also cant go coz we must at house~
coz scare the fella take all the thing n run~
so need to at house~=[
tmr tat fella will continue the thing~
n tmr or thursday make the gate ppl will come~=[
i wanna go out la~
cannot today come de meh~
fast fast settle i mah can go out lor~
stupid idiot ~
he say if he tmr free then he come if not free he wont come~
tmr come for measure only~==
i hate ~
tmr need to clean up my house~
damn dusty ~=[

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