Wednesday, November 18, 2009

movie ~

today went to pavilion watch movie~
2012 n
jennifer body~
went to school
coz today need to return all the books~
so call miss
ng to return for me~thx
early morning went to school~
wait for salt fish come
coz my malay novel in there~
damn late him~
wait until me also wanna hell + he din bring my
after tat hop into
kah wai car~
then fetch us to joey new house~
then he come
wif us also~
chat around~
until 9am++
we are so talkative~
then wait for joey make up~
after tat
kah wai fetch us to pavilion~=]
no need go by bus~
then he go fetch ah leong ~
then straight go to ts~
coz he wanna park his car at there then his mom drive back~
then ah
leong frenz fetch us to pavilion~paiseh yah~i dunno u 2 call wat name neh
when we arrive pavilion~
straight to dragon-i
coz our buddy is there~
after eat our lunch straight to cinema~
coz we are late~
12 pm start~
lucky not yet start~=]
after watch 2012 we straight go to another
theater coz 2:45 pm already~
we buy 2:45 jennifer body~
so when we arrive tat theater lucky not yet start also~
siao hor us~
finish this movie we go to toilet ~
after toilet jasmine say her wallet lost already~
so we go back the cinema n find~
but she just find back her condo access card only~=[
ic n money all lost~
so we just wait for the rain stop then lyon n me go back~
but at last i saw berryx at pavilion~
get shock coz he walk beside me only~
then i keep looking at him~
coz dunno izzit is him or not~
but also not look like him~
i mean photo n real person~
maybe he cut hair already~
berryx hapi birthday yah~=]

joey n me

nice rite??i mean the swimming pool

me n kah wai~look funny hor u~XD

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