Wednesday, September 30, 2009

23 sep 09 ~

with make up~
last wednesday i went to pavilion wif cheah n xiao hei~
went to watch "where got ghost"tat movie ok only la~
then daiso is open~= ]
buy mask at there~only rm5~
same wif the cosway bioglo mask~
good n cheap~
then we meet joey n kah wai at sw~
then kah wai bring us to go bb plaza buy cloth~
niceeeeeeee n cheapppppppppp~
but i din buy =[~
coz i wan to choose ~
u noe me de la~
damn slow when i wanna to buy something coz wan to choose the nicer wan~XD
then only cheah buy cloth at there only~
we all acc her~==
after buy all the thing then we go back by bus ~
but hor i will go there in friday again~
coz i wan buy wedding cloth~= ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i bring u go thr buy shirt u din tq me a??

bt jz joke oni lah