Wednesday, September 2, 2009


i am back~
long time din blog already~
coz i also dunno wan to blog about wat?==
my life ~
just normal nth special~
just 1 thing i wan to blog today is.....
last saturday i went to my buddy house to borrow his charger~
when i arrive his house~
he tell about me his grandpa just passed away~
in tat time i get shock~
many ???? in my mind~
coz i din ask him coz he are crying~
but i really really paiseh bcz i CANT GO~
coz my grandma just passed away 2 weeks~
in chinese traditional not over 100 days ~
we are not allowed to go ppl weeding or funeral~
so i really really really paiseh~
about i cant go n see ur grandpa last face~
coz i noe his grandpa also~
coz last time i always go his house~
then i also got help his grandpa do thing before~
then when my granny passed away my buddy n his parent also got come~
but now i really cant go ~
so really paiseh about tat~
n also dont be sad~
he just go a peace place~
i also sad about tat~
he suddenly passed away~
he left my buddy ~
he left this world~
but u are in his heard always~
like my granny~
this month is hungry ghost month~
so for the old ppl must be careful~
especially got disease ~
i also dunno why also~
chinese many rules wan la~
always RULES~
i tell my eng teacher this month is hungry ghost month~
then my eng teacher say in malay law~
now is Ramadan month wont have ghost at all~==
i tell her 3 time she also say no ghost at all~==
wat la~
i say in chinese law in this month is ghost month la~
then hor i think she din see newspaper de meh~
there also got write neh~
dont go anywhere leh ~
leave at house better coz many ......
hmm...for those too free ppl pls dont come my blog n disturb + talk nonsense~
if dont like me pls dont visit my blog~
here unwelcome u too~
tat's all for today~=)

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