Tuesday, December 29, 2009

sweetie joey birthday~=]

sweet rite??

our private waiter~XD mr.cory

num 2 laopo n me~

joey n miss.christine~

me n my num 8 laopo~XD

happy birthday my sweetie num8 laopo~=]
today we all also got tuition~
me,8laopo,2laopo n christine~
after tuition kah wai fetch us to pavilion~
his car park at pavilion but w3 sing k at sw~==
coz joey wanna watch movie so we go buy ticket first~
after buy ticket we street walk to sw green box~
sing around ,chat around,eat around,drink around~
4pm++ jasmine,sook kuan,christine n me go back first ~
but joey n the frenz at there n sing k until 5 or 6~
christine n the gang come out early coz she wanna go watch movie at 5pm~
then i need to go back early coz wanna go out at night~
walk alone to pavilion~=[
then straight to etude house see the mist water~
got discount but i din buy coz dunno good or not~==
after tat walk to lrt station~
around 6 reached home then take shower~
after shower we go to carrefour~
coz we dunno wan to drive the new car go where ~scare will collide
so we decide to go carrefour haha~
not new car la~
we buy second hand wan~
i think not call new car is second hand car~
the number plat very nice ~damn like it the num~
cannot tell u all wat num~
mummy second hand car~hahahaha

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