Friday, November 13, 2009

pavilion reb boX~

wednesday went to pavilion wif my dear~
coz tat day no exam for our class~
so we meet together then go n sing k~
coz me n very long din go sing k already~=.=
so we plan to go sing k at tat day~
mr.salt fish,miss joey,miss ma n me go sing k together~
first time go out wif mr salt fish~,mr salt fish n me go by lrt~
miss joey go by bus+monorail~
then we arrive there~
already 11am++~
we are late~
miss joey wait us around 15 minute already~
paiseh leh wan u wait us so long~
finish sing k we walk to sw~
coz miss ma wanna repair her digital dictionary~
so we go there lor~
walk around sw~
nth to see ~
then go big sticker shop n take photo~
half n hour we at there~==
siao leh~
then we go game shop to have a fun~
around 5 we go back lu~
we take a lot of photosssssssss~
here all the photossssssss~

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