Friday, November 27, 2009

christmas carol 3D~=]

3D~i noe this photo is ugly~ignore me~
today wake up quite early~
coz the stupid weather damn hot~
so wake up n brush teeth then open my com~
facebook again~teheee
around 9:45++ go n take a nap~
around 10:30 something already finish all the thing~
ready to go out~
sms little black see they are in where??
he say still thinking how to go lrt~==
after tat he say when he going to lrt station sms me~
then wait for his sms~
camwhore ~teheee~
after tat walk to lrt station~
coz my mom not at house so need to walk~=[
damn hot the stupid weather~
when i reached there he say i just take a cab coming only~==
wait n wait~
he are reached n wif her gf~
so we street to klcc~
reached there we straight to tgv n buy christmas carol 3D~
he treat me~thx~
after tat we go mc n buy our lunch~
then take into cinema eat~XD
this is my second time watch 3D movie~
this movie is ok nia~
not very nice~
just teach us live ur life wif happiness~
after the movie we went to toilet~
damn many ppl~==
then headed to pavilion~
reached there then for a while only~
coz i wanna take picsssssss~
then straight to sw~
buy my cam pouch~
n walk around sw n bb plaza~
i saw many cloth n bagsssssssss~
i like it so much~
especially the bag~
one is dunno paul wat la~but not paul frankie~
is a branded bag~
very ex~=[
but another 1 is dunno wat brand very suitable for me ~=] nice nice~
i wanna buy u back~
but my mom sure scold if i buy tat bag~=[
just buy a cap at bb plaza~

coz my old cap lost already~=[
miss tat cap a lot~=[
she n he is nth to see so we went back~
coz sleep not enough coz the stupid weather~
but today got rain~
thx god~=]teheeee

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