Friday, November 13, 2009

suck teacher~

history paper 1 n 2 n pjk for 2day~
i hate history much much~ got imitate ~
so i call her pass the answer for me~
then i pass for miss soh ~
after miss soh copy i pass for miss christine~
after miss. christine copy she pass to miss joey~
we are copy cat~=p
so clever to imitate~
later spm dunno how to do~
when history period tat stupid pj teacher call my history teacher go out~
coz she wanna give her something~
then i dunno wat she wanna give my form teacher but i saw a paper~
then when my teacher come in she say if got ur name pls give attention~
then i listen to teacher~
she call all the name in the paper~
but i din hear my name~
i taught i am so lucky~
coz i din catch by teacher my finger nail long~
but ask teacher why din have my name ~
then my form teacher say got my name~
then i ask her where got??~
she take the paper come out~
then really got my name~=.=
she say tmr she wanna see our finger nail call us go back cut~
then i ask my teacher izzit girls pj teacher call u to call us to cut our finger nail~
she ya~
tat stupid pj teacher so clever call our form teacher call us cut~
she wanna be gud teacher then call my form teacher be bad teacher~
lucky i ask my form teacher~
if not i think is our form teacher call us cut~
but my finger nail really very long la~
but i hate tat pj teacher de lor coz she just write chinese n indian name only~
malay student also got long nail lor why din write them de name jek~
unfair at all~
n call my form teacher tell us~
if u dare u call us cut la~
i hate u much much~
at tat time my form teacher say call me to cut coz i got bring nailclipper ~
then i cut slowly then she come n simply cut for me~==
so fugly~
lucky cut 1 finger nail only n lucky she's period over already~
then she need to go~
so i no need to cut coz friday i am not coming school~hehe~
tat girl pj teacher are suck~~~~~~
last time she got teach me before~form 2
when i din do 1 exercise she bring me to principal there~
n let my principal bit me~
she are so bad ~
first time i din do her homework only she treat me like tat~
i hate her~
i wont forgive her~
coz she are suck~
many student hate her also~
idioit teacher~

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